
This introduction is intended to provide an overall picture of how the Test Sequencer operates. The Test Sequencer is a tool that is used to build repeatable 61850 command and testing sequences. A Test is comprised of sequential Steps. Each Step is composed of one or more commands. Tests are executed and results are provided to the user. The Test Sequencer provides instant results about commands, Steps, and the overall Test.


Test Sequencer contains the following components:

  1. Test Builder - a visual display of Test Steps and the Test Sequence.

  2. Test Explorer - provides a view of all the Tests in a workspace and organizes them into Test Plans and Test Groups.

  3. Commands - repository that provides predefined commands that are independent of data points.

  4. Execution Log - a running log of all the operations that are being executed and the responses received from the 61850 server.

  5. Step Details - provides a summary of all the commands that are going to be run as part of the Test.


NEXT: Tests